はち切れぬばかりの豊満な熟女が、洗い髪を黄楊(つげ)の櫛(くし)で梳(す)く様が艶美(えんび)である。 |
1987年 76.6cm×25.4cm/版数28版/摺刷28度
大判錦絵竪二枚継 (おおばん にしきえ たて にまいつなぎ) |
Chou to Botan
(Butterfly and Peony)
On her thigh is tattooed a butterfly fluttering around a peony. Just out of the bath, a glamorous woman combs her hair with a boxwood comb, elegant and charming. |
Number of blocks: 28 Printed in 28 runs
Size: equivalent to 2 sheets of large-sized nishiki-e,
lined up lengthwise |