Going This Way Single-heartedly
Three souls interact to make one painting.
Creating ukiyo-e is a collaborative effort among an artist, a wood-carver, and a printer,
and usually requires several hands. This inevitably causes a gap from the
original art, no matter how faithfully it is reproduced: some of the finest
strokes of the brush, the most delicate curves, and subtlest sensitivity
are lost.
Shusui's ukiyo-e solves this problem beautifully - he does all three jobs himself! Doing
everything for himself lets him retain all the sensitivities of the original
image and reproduce them in the woodblock print.
Everyone has a heart.
From time to time in life,
It grows big, or small, or broad, or narrow,
Straight or curved, high or low,
Beautiful or ugly, strong or weak,
Deep or shallow, bright or dark,
Depicting the many states of mind of a single person.
These states are inextricably entwined with each other and never at rest.
Shusui's woodblock prints, however, work beautifully to still the restless
heart of the viewer.
It's as if your heart were returning home, restored at its very center.
As you gaze appreciatively at the images of beauty,
Before you know it, you start to feel the beauty gazing at and caressing
You nearly forget your existence.
It's such a mystical moment.